I was born in Cesena (Italy) on 1980. Until 2006, I lived near Bertinoro a beautiful medieval town located on the hills of Emilia-Romagna (Italy), about 20km from the Adriatic Sea.
On September 2006 I got married with Valentina and we moved to Cesena, where we currently live. Since my childhood I was curious about the inner working of computers so I directed my education towards scientific studies.
- I got my "Maturità Scientifica" diploma at the "Liceo Scientifico Statale A. Righi", in Cesena (Italy) on June 1999. The main subjects are: maths, physics, biology, chemistry, programming languages, philosohpy and english language.
- In 2002, I received my "Laura Triennale" degree in Computer Science Engineering cum laudae at the Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna - Cesena (Italy).
- In 2004, I received my "Laurea Specialistica" degree in Systems and Technologies for Information Engineering cum laudae at the Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna - Cesena (Italy).
- In 2008, I received my PhD degree in Computer Science Engineering at the DEIS department of the Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna: during the course I have participated to the activities of the aliCE research group (agents, languages & infrastructures in CEsena) -- co-headed by Prof. Antonio Natali and Prof. Andrea Omicini.
The thesis title is Engineering Self-Organising Systems with the Multiagent Paradigm and has been supervised by Prof. Antonio Natali, Prof. Andrea Omicini and Dr. Mirko Viroli.
I have many, probably too many, interests, including
- drawing, digital painting and photography, which is also part of my professional activity as a freelance;
- computer graphics, both programming and artistic (3D modelling and animation), which is also part of my professional activity as a freelance;
- listening to music, playing the electric bass and, in the last year mostly, digital piano;
- sports in general, but preferring running, swimming and five-a-side football;
- reading novels, scientific essays and mostly sci-fi and fantasy: my favourite writers are Douglas Adams, Stanislaw Lem and Isaac Asimov;
- movies, especially animated feature films and sci-fi movies